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an Imperial Colonel who survived the death of the Emperor, Cronus was Delvardus' second-in-command. He became the de facto leader of Delvardus' fleet when Daala executed all of the Imperial warlords at Tsoss Beacon. He aligned himself with Daala and Pellaeon after seeing Delvardus' body and a holorecording of the summit. Cronus was a small but well-muscled man, with a full head of black hair. Daala appointed Cronus to be the commanding officer of the 112 Victory-class Star Destroyers she had rounded up following the execution of the warlords. He took the fleet on a galaxy-wide rampage of terror, striking at unprotected worlds and killing countless numbers before splitting up his fleet. He took twenty ships to Yavin 4, to assist Daala in her attack there, while the remainder of his fleet continued its rampage. Cronus was killed at Yavin 4 when a crippled Corellian gunship rammed his Star Destroyer, the 13X, and destroyed it.
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