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Cron Drift

this area of the Auril Sector, in close proximity to Nespis VIII, the Adega System, and Carida, was the site of the remnants of a multi-star supernova. Note that Dark Apprentice indicates that the supernova contained four stars, but The Sith War comics say that the supernova engulfed ten stars. During the Great Sith War, Aleema tried to use the Dark Side of the Force to rip the core from one of the stars in the Cron Cluster. She had hoped to destroy the Old Republic fleet that was pursuing the Sith followers, but she hadn't prepared for the possibility of the core igniting all the other solar masses in the Cluster. All of the stars ignited, going supernova at the same instant. Aleema was, of course, killed in the blast, and the Cron Drift was born. The current stars in the system made up six of the original nine Auril Systems. The rest were destroyed in the explosion. Following the genesis of the New Order, Ploovo Two-for-One operated his criminal business from the Cron Drift. Han Solo and Chewbacca also tried to run a clotheslegging operation there, several years before the Battle of Yavin, but it eventually failed. After the New Republic defeated Grand Admiral Thrawn, it was discovered that Terpfen had been 'programmed' to meet the Caridan ambassador Furgan within the Drift.
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