this incredibly rich man was Xanatos' father, and was a native of the planet Telos. He was the wealthiest, and most powerful man on the planet, but he couldn't offer his son what he really wanted: to become a Jedi Knight. When Qui-Gon Jinn discovered Xanatos, Crion allowed the boy to be taken for training. However, he secretly maintained contact with his son. In Xanatos' absense, Crion became more and more greedy, and put into motion a plan to overtake a neighboring planet and steal its resources. Xanatos was drawn into the plan, until Jedi Master Yoda sent Xanatos and Qui-Gon back to Telos on a mission. The exact nature of the mission was not provided, but Qui-Gon quickly discovered the plot set in motion by Crion. Qui-Gon tried to expose the old man and his son - Qui-Gon's own Padawan apprentice - but the people of Telos instead formed two distinct fashions and sparked a civil war. In the battle, Qui-Gon was forced to cut down Crion with his lightsaber, first cutting the fingers from one of Crion's hands before dispatching him. Xanatos watched in horror, then recovered one of the rings from his father's severed fingers. He touched the hot metal to his cheek, leaving a crescent-shaped scar as a reiminder of Crion's death and Qui-Gon's seeming treachery.