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Crespin, Edor

this New Republic General was a native of the planet Corulag, and a former member of the Imperial Navy. A tall, lean man with an impassive face, Crespin was given command of the starfighter training base on Folor shortly after the Battle of Thyferra. Crespin's most notable feature was the mirror-surfaced patch he wore over his prosthetic eye, which was an omnious, glossy black orb. It was rumored that he lost his eye in an engagement with the Warlord Zsinj, on a world on the border of Zsinj's holdings. Crespin commanded Comet Squadron before being promoted to General, and thought Garik Loran could never do enough for the Republic to make up for his contributions to the Empire. In this he was proven wrong, and got a chance to see how wrong first-hand, when Crespin was given command of the Tedevium and the Screaming Wookiee Squadron following the arrest of Atton Repness. As the commander of the frigate, Crespin was added to the fleet which supported the Mon Remonda during the hunt for Warlord Zsinj. They arrived during the final act of the battle for the Razor's Kiss, and Crespin assumed temporary command of Nova Squadron as well. They pummeled Zsinj's ships with a massive wall of energy, destroying the Razor's Kiss and nearly taking down the Iron Fist.
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