this ten-limbed creature was one of the Yuuzhan Vong's many biological constructs. Six of its limbs served as legs. Two of the other four were quite thin and ended in fronds which could induce pain when they touched flesh, and the other two were heavy and ended in sharp pincers. These four were held upright as the creature sidled from left to right in order to move. The top of the creature's body was soft, and was used to carry young yorik coral buds. Three compound eyes sat atop a thick central stalk which could move around to allow the creature to see. The creeper's job was to take young yorik coral buds and implant them into the living body of a slave-host. These yorik-kul then kept the slave from revolting while it fed on the host's vital fluids and energy. A modified version of the creeper was used to connect a Yuuzhan Vong pilot's cognition hood to his ship's controls.