this speciallized Yuuzhan Vong clustership was designed to care for a young yammosk, until it was fully grown and ready for deployment. The Vong used the life-energies of prisoners captured on Gyndine to nurture the yammosk aboard the Creche'. The ship was commanded by Chine-kal during this time. Many of the captives who were forced to tend the yammosk died after the young creature's mental contact. After Chine-kal discovered Wurth Skidder's true nature, he traveled to Kalarba to deliver the Jedi to Tsavong Lah. However, before they could reach the Yuuzhan Vong commander, the Creche' was attacked by Kyp's Dozen. Chine-kal fled to Fondor, hoping to get the damaged ship to the main Yuuzhan Vong fleet in time to save the young yammosk. However, the ship barely survived to Fondor, where it was attacked again by New Republic forces. The Creche' was unable to withstand the assault, which inlcuded Kyp Durron's execution of the yammosk, and the ship tore itself apart. When the blast from Centerpoint Station ripped through the Fondor System, the Creche' was incinerated.