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this ancient Trandoshan was the leader of the Bounty Hunters Guild during the reign of Emperor Palpatine. Long beyond his prime physical condition and extremely paranoid, Cradossk was nonetheless an imposing figure, and his wily intelligence allowed him to maintain control of Guild and its scheming members. Like his father before him, Cradossk had emerged from his egg and consumed his siblings, ensuring his own survival. His own spawn, Bossk, had done no less, and Cradossk was sure that the younger reptile would treacherously try to kill him. Thus, he continually worked the members of the Guild into loose, hidden alliances to eliminate Bossk. These plans invariably failed, and Bossk remained a thorn in his father's side. When Boba Fett, acting in concert with Kud'ar Mub'at, asked to join the Guild, Cradossk saw it as a way to bring prestige to the Guild and to reign in one of its primary opponents. Cradossk failed to comprehend Fett's plans until it was too late. By then, infighting among the Guild's older members and its younger members was at a head. Bossk took control fhte younger, more hot-headed faction and managed to confront his father alone. In a great struggle, Bossk managed to kill and eat his father, thereby ensuring his control of the remains of the Guild.
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