Cowall, Tetran
this man was Garik Loran's chief rival, during their years as actors for various companies working for the Empire. Both were rivals at everything, from movie roles to pilot training. They were both holofeature stars, but Cowall's popularity dwindled as he grew older and more homely. Cowall, eventually, joined Imperial service as a pilot, although his skills were not very good. It was to Tetran Cowall that Ton Phanan's small fortune would have gone upon his death, if Loran hadn't had his facial scars surgically removed. He found employment with Warlord Zsinj, who placed Cowall in command of a squadron made from TIE Interceptors piloted by six humans and six droid starfighters known as TIE Raptors. The droids allowed the human pilots to perform above their skills by offloading certain duties, which provided the outward appearance that Cowall's squadron was the 181st Fighter Group. After Zsinj was defeated at Selaggis Six, it was revealed that Cowall had been impersonating Baron Soontir Fell, in an effort to draw Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron into a more personal fight. In the aftermath of the Battle of Selaggis, Cowall revealed the depeption to Wedge.