Covell, Freja
this man served as an Imperial Army General, attached to the Chimaera's crew, during Grand Admiral Thrawn's reign of terror. A native of the planet Corulag, Covell trained under General Veers, and was a battlegroup leader in the attack on the Alliance's Echo Base on Hoth. He knew that the Army was the part of the Imperial war machine that did all the dirty work, while the Navy stayed in their starships and ordered everyone around. When his walker was destroyed, he rallied a group of snowtroopers and attacked the main base. Captain Pellaeon promoted him to General and attached him to the Chimaera after the Battle of Endor, and Covell was placed in charge of many of the fleet's ground offensives, including the attack on Myrkr. Covell's patience with the Navy became more strained after Thrawn re-appeared, since the ground forces were often dispatched on clean-up missions, or forced to wait for orders from the Navy. When Joruus C'baoth needed to have ground forces in his assault on Wayland, C'baoth took control of Covell's mind with the Force. This worked well, until they reached Wayland and encountered a ysalamir null-Force bubble. The loss of the Force ripped away Covell's mind when the link was broken, and Covell was killed.