Cov-Prim, Alexis
this woman was a star of several Imperial holovids, and was famous during the height of the New Order. She had extravagant tastes, and in order to fund them she worked with the bounty hunter Malthorn to obtain credits any way they could. Among their schemes was Alexis' marriage to five wealthy men between the time of the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Hoth. Each man died shortly after the weddings. Alexis was named the sole beneficiary in each man's will, thereby providing her with a steady stream of credits. It was later discovered that Malthorn killed the new grooms, making their deaths look as natural as possible. When she learned of the auction of the Shard of Alderaan by Begas Tok, Alexis and Malthorn traveled to Tatooine in an effort to locate husband number six. Her treachery was later exposed by Sella Marik.