this was one of the cruisers blockading the ThonBoka, in order to keep the Oswaft from entering Imperial space. The Courteous was the closest ship to the mouth of the nebula, and was almost always on alert. Lando Calrissian made his final stop there while masquerading as a simple trader, selling cigars and ice cream to the beleaguered crewers before making a run for the nebula. The Courteous was forced to fire on the Millennium Falcon as it blasted away, and appeared to have destroyed the freighter. Lando, However, had had Vuffi Raa rig up an exploding canister that was ejected just as the Falcon made a microjump unto the ThonBoka. The Courteous was later destroyed when it and the other cruisers nearest the mouth of the nebula tried to kill Bhoggihalysahonues and her supporters. The Oswaft "shouted" at the Imperials to negotiate, and the microwave energy released by the Oswaft penetrated the Courteous's thin shielding and destryoed it.