Corusca Rainbow
this was the name given by the New Republic to the defected Interdictor cruiser Black Asp. It was part of the fleet assembled to defend Agamar during the early stages of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, protecting the flow of refugees who were fleeing the front lines of the assault. Traest Kre'fey ordered the ship to travel to Ithor and hide behind one of the planet's smaller moons during the Battle of Ithor. After the Yuuzhan Vong had unleashed their bioweapon on the planet, Kre'fey ordered the Corusca Rainbow to fire up her gravity wells and keep the Yuuzhan Vong forces from leaving. The Corusca Rainbow and all surviving Republic ships then opened fire, destroying much of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet, including the Legacy of Torment.