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Corusca Gem

formed from the intense heat and gravity inside Yavin's core, these extremely hard stones have never been found or duplicated in other gas giants. Individual stones are formed from carbon and metallic hydrogen, which are compressed by millions of atmospheres of pressure near the planet's core. The intense pressure actually removes electrons from the hydrogen and carbon, fusing them together and securing the metallic hydrogen's silvery-gray brilliance. The harsh environment of Yavin often sweeps gems off the core's surface, as does the foraging of grazers in Yavin's lowest atmosphere. The turbulent storms pick them up and actually polish them, and some of these jewels eventually land on the planet's fourth moon. Gantoris used them to construct his lightsaber while under the influence of Exar Kun. Later, Lando Calrissian set up the GemDiver Station operation, and emplyed heavily-armored mining ships to plumb the atmosphere of Yavin for the gems.
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