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this planet, the primary world in the Corula System, was locatded in the Deep Core's Bormea Sector. It was the primary planet in the Corulag System, and was a temperate world covered with forests and plains. Corulag was originally settled by colonists from Coruscant many thousands of years before the Battle of Yavin, and it retained strong ties to the capital of the Old Republic. Over the years, Corulag became known for its bureaucrats, who worked tirelessly to ensure that beneficial legislation never sat idle in the Galactic Senate. During the height of the New Order, a satellite of the Academy was established in the capital city of Curamalle. The planet's economy was maintained because of its position, located along the Perlemian Trade Route, as well as the presence of the Academy buildings. In many respects, Corulag was one of the most cosmopolitan worlds of the Empire. Because of its strong allegiance to Emperor Palpatine, Corulag suffered the wrath of the New Republic's Senate after the Battle of Endor, as many Senators were reluctant to come to the aid of one of Palpatine's main supporters. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Corulag had been quickly subjugated because of its position near the Perlemian Trade Route, allowing the alien invaders to assume control of one of the galaxy's five main hyperspace lanes. The planetary government, once supportive of the Empire, quickly capitulated to the alien invaders. However, the government was merely a puppet of their Yuuzhan Vong commanders. Many wealthy residents fled for other worlds, while the middle and lower classes forged resistance groups. Some five years after the initial attacks on Helska, Corulag was attacked by the forces of the Galactic Alliance, in a bold move that followed on the heels of the reappearance of Zonama Sekot near Coruscant. The planet was quickly liberated, but the assault force was just as quickly recalled to Coruscant, as part of a bold move to recapture the capital world.
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