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Corporate Sector Authority

this was the name of the conglomerate chartered to exploit the natural resources of the worlds in what would later be called the Corporate Sector. Before the Authority was first set up, the Old Republic set aside a group of systems in the Expansion Region for and experiment in corporate control, several centuries before the Galactic Civil War. The profits were enormous, but the internal corporate chafing at Republic regulations led to mismanagement and abuse of the planets and their inhabitants. The various worlds encompassed by the experiment began to experience civil revolts at the corporational misuse, and the Old Republic ordered the Senate to take control of the Sector. In order to placate the corporations who balked at the new control mechanisms, the Old Republic created the Corporate Sector and the Corporate Sector Authority. The Authority was made up of several Signatory Sponsors, Contributing Sponsors, Additional Voting Sponsors, and Non-voting Contributing Sponsors. Each of the fifty-five voting sponsors was allowed to elect one delegate to the Authority's Direx Board. The Direx Board was overseen by the ExO, an Authority figure chosen from outside the ranks of the voting sponsors. The Authority, at this point, had control of several star systems that were devoid of life. When Emperor Palpatine instituted the New Order, the corporate executives petitioned him to allow them direct control over sector resources. Palpatine agreed, in return for a portion of their corporate profits. In theory, the Corporate Sector Authority then owned everything in the Corporate Sector, and was in charge of mining it, guarding it, and using it. The Authority often used slave labor or other forced-labor to obtain the materials from their sources. It was believed that the CSA enslaved as many as eleven indigenous races which lived on the planets that were assigned to the Corporate Sector. The CSA even set up a number of scams in which entire races were duped into coming to the Sector for vast fortunes, only to be permanently indentured to the Authority. In order to preserve its autonomy, the CSA began secretly rounding up dissidents and rebellious individual during the early years of the New Order, in an effort to quell any public unrest that resulted from its unscrupulous actions. The prison facility at Stars' End held many of these prisoners, until the facility was destroyed by Han Solo and Chewbacca. Like the Old Republic that created it, the Corporate Sector began to crumble from within shortly afterward, as many employees abused their powers and spent credits without control. These extensive debts eventually forced the Direx Board to limit immigration and force new agents to sign contracts of financial responsibility. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, the CSA's executive body chose to ignore the New Republic's mandates and cut their own deal with the Yuuzhan Vong. This ensured that the Corproate Sector would be spared any invasions, while providing assistance in rounding up any Jedi Knights who were in the sector.
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