Wookiee Liberation Front
this organization was "founded" on the planet Cularin, during the height of the Clone Wars. A number of stories were told about its origins, but the real story was actually one of recklessness and stupidity. The gang formed by Meelo and her associates was at the heart of the Wookiee Liberation Front, which was often simply known as WOLF. When one of their members was captured and imprisoned by the Metatheran Cartel, Meelo led her inept comrades in a daring escape, which was bungled almost from the start. In the resulting chaos, Meelo managed to rescue her friend, but the Jawa known as Keth-Keth decided that they needed to cover their escape. Screaming "Free Kashyyyk" as loud as his vocoder would project, Keth-Keth called for people to rally around the Wookiee Liberation Front, in an effort to draw the attention of the local police force away from their escape. Although it was a simple ruse, the Wookiee Liberation Front received a lot of press in the local holonewscasts, and eventually became a legitimate organization that funneled credits and supplies to help the Wookiees of Kashyyyk in their attempt to ousted the Separatist forces that were trying to take control of their homeworld.