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Ies, Eremay

this young woman was the daughter of Daxar and Beda Ies. When Daxar was targeted for assassination by Emperor Palpatine, Mara Jade was dispatched to bring him to justice. Beda and Eremay surprised Jade while she was searching through Daxar's office. However, rather than eliminating them as loose ends after she killed Daxar, Jade let them go free, and returned to Palpatine without any further information on Daxar. Beda and Eremay fled into the Unknown Regions, and were never heard from again. Evidence of their survival was relayed to Mara Jade years later, when she arrived on Woteba with her husband, Luke Skywalker, to investigate the reappearance of the Gorog hive. UnuThul explained to Mara that it was Beda and Eremay, and not Welk and Lomi Plo, who caused the creation of the Gorog hive to occur. According to UnuThul, the Gorog took them in and cared for them, until both Beda and Eremay became Joiners. However, their fear of being hunted down eventually corrupted the Gorog, and the entire hive went into hiding and became the Dark Nest. Alema Rar later corrborated UnuThul's story, claiming that Daxar Ies was not an accountant but the lead developer of the Intellex Four droid controller. She then provided Luke with the first security access code, claiming that Eremay had memorized it and given to Alema.
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