Qoribu Crisis
this was the term used by the Galactic Alliance to describe the events that surrounded the initial expansion of the Colony onto various moons in orbit around the planet Qoribu. Driven by the unconscious influence of the Gorog hive, the Colony began to expand closer to Chiss space, creating friction between their two civilizations and nearly starting a massive war. With the intervention of the new Jedi Order and the acceptance of the Galactic Alliance, the Colony agreed to abandon their hives on the Qoribu moons and relocate to Woteba and other planets that were hidden within the Utetegu Nebula. The Qoribu Crisis was believed to have been resolved when Welk was killed by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, an event that supposedly marked the end of the Dark Nest. However, about a year later, the Gorog had reasserted their control over the Colony, causing a new set of challenges for the Alliance.