this man and his companion, Suyin, tried to deliver a load of spice to Vogga the Hutt on Nar Shaddaa, during the years following the Great Sith War. They had been given a detailed map of the undercity of the moon, and planned to bypass the normal security checkpoints by traveling through various vents and tunnels to reach Vogga's lair. Unfortunately, the buildings of Nar Shaddaa created enough ambient electrical interference that their hand-held maps failed to operate properly. Adding to Suyin's problems was the fact that Feraa had set off down a side pathway to lay mines on their proposed routes, and Suyin was badly injured when he stumbled upon them. Unable to find his way, Suyin became lost and eventually died within the vents. Although he didn't know it, Feraa also became hopeless lost, and died in the vents as well. Their corpses were discovered by The Exile, shortly after the Jedi Civil War, when he was on Nar Shaddaa in search of Jedi Master Zez-Kai Ell.