this form of Yuuzhan Vong starfighter was created from yorik coral in much the same way as a worldship, only on a much smaller scale. They performed a number of missions, including fighter cover for the worldships as well as maintaining the placement of the membranous organic sails used to propel them. Measuring about thirteen meters in length, on average, the coralskippers were armed with volcano missiles, which it seemed to spit out of its hull. Individual coralskippers could refuel and rearm themselves by "eating" rocks. The pilots of coralskippers were linked directly to their craft by another form of ooglith cloaker, one engineered to resist vacuum and provide life support to the pilot. Individual coralskippers were originally created to act on the instructions of a yammosk, which could coordinate the attack patterns of a multitude of ships while monitorin the ebb and flow of a battle. However, when the New Republic began destroying yammosks as the first course of action in an engagement with the Yuuzhan Vong, coralskippers were gradually given over to living pilots. In this manner, a pilot could fly in concert with a yammosk controller, or independently if needed, allowing the Yuuzhan Vong to remain active in a firefight for longer periods of time.