this droid was modified by Opo Chano access the mainframe computer of the Czerka Corporation's offices on Citadel Station, some forty years after the Great Sith War. B-4D4 was acquired by The Exile, as part of his plans to help Chodo Habat and the Ithorians expose Czerka's underhanded activities aboard Citadel Station. The Exile had Chano rework much of B-4D4's programming, and the Duros even gave the droid the ability to lie about its actions in order to achieve its goals. This allowed B-4D4 to infiltrate Czerka's headquarters with minimal effort, and the droid managed to acquire all manner of information from its corporate databases. The information was provided to Chodo Habat, allowing the Ithorians to expose Czerka's treachery.