this male Tarasin served as the Father of his tribe during the height of the Clone Wars. He was one of the first to openly question Mother Dariana's call for unity among the Tarasin, especially after Cularin was placed under martial law and the Tarasin were driven from their homes. Like many other Tarasin, Father Tiirtha feared that Dariana's plans for the Tarasin would kill their people, not strengthen them. Thus, he was unprepared when Dariana said that she would step down, if it would help the Tarasin survive. He was further taken aback when she announced that Tiirtha himself would be her successor. In order to secure his position, Tiirtha was quick to agree to Dariana's two terms. First, she was allowed to serve out the remainder of the year as the Tarasin leader. Second, her orders and commands during that year were to be carried out without question. Tiirtha was the first to honor these requests, and gladly laid down his weapons when Dariana asked for peace among the tribes.