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Convarion, Ait

this Imperial Navy Captain served during the attacks at both Derra IV and Hoth before being given command of the Corrupter. As a Captain, Convarion was charged with terrorizing rebellious worlds in the Outer Rim. After the Battle of Endor, he aligned with Ysanne Isard and brought the Corrupter to Thyferra to help protect the Bacta Cartel. He was known as a cruel and calculating opponent who worked hard to end every engagement quickly, despite the odds against him. When Convarion failed to recapture the Xucphra Alazhi, Xucphra Meander, and Xucphra Rose from the Rogue Squadron, Isard demanded that he round up and execute the families of the Alazhi as a demonstration of her power and his allegiance. He balked, but Fliry Vorru saved him by having already done the job. The test was not forgotten, though, as Isard ordered Convarion to take the Thyferran Home Defense Corps and attack the settlement on Halanit. He died on the Corrupter when it was disabled by the Rogues over Alderaan's asteroid belt. The ship could not be saved before it drifted into the asteroids and was torn apart.
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