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this planet, perhaps best known as the homeworld of Airen and Pash Cracken, was considered one of the most industrious and advanced planets in the Mid Rim. It was often said that Contruum was the most Core-like world outside of the Core Worlds. It was known for its ore-smelting plants and shipyards, yet its inhabitants also committed themselves to preserving its environmental beauty. The Contruum system was located a short hyperspace jump from the Permlemian Trade Route, and two jumps from the Hydian Way. It was somewhat surprising, then, that Contruum avoided the notice of the Yuuzhan Vong, and remained a free world throughout the aliens' invasion of the galaxy. However, that nearly changed some five years after the invasion began, when the Yuuzhan Vong tried to launch an attack on the Galactic Alliance's base on Mon Calamari. A third of the war fleet had secondary orders to break off their attack and subjugate Contruum, where minimal Alliance forces would be present. This plan was smashed when Zonama Sekot arrived in orbit near the planet Coruscant, forcing the Warmaster Nas Choka to recall all Yuuzhan Vong warships to defend their home base.
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