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this was the codename of the Cavrilhu Pirate who monitored security at the Kauron asteroid base. Control was one of the inventors behind the Jedi-containing rooms built into the base. The room used a tight grid of bars which emerge from opposite walls of the chamber to pin a person inside. The bars are pressure-sensitive, and will firmly grasp anything they come in contact with. The room was also equipped with gas-emitting jets, which could be used to flood the chamber with deadly gases. They could also be used in reverse, creating an airless vacuum in the room. When Zothip flew to Bastion, in an effort to obtain compensation for the loss of a battle cruiser at Pesitiin, Control was the only member of the gang to survive the combined defense of Major Tierce and Karoly D'ulin. He had become tired of following in Zothip's misguided footsteps, and allowed the pirate captain to get himself killed. Control then assumed control of the Cavrilhu Pirates himself. He broke off the primary relationship with Moff Disra and the Empire, but agreed to keep producing Preybird for them.
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