this was one of the many corporations that rose to power in the wake of the Galactic Alliance's defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong, some thirty years after the Battle of Endor. RePlanetHab's mission seemed humanitarian enough, as they were chartered to seek out uninhabited worlds that would either provide raw materials for rebuilding the galaxy, or living space for the many dishomed races and refugees. Many government officials, and the new Jedi order, feared that corporations like RePlanetHab were growing too powerful, and were slowly becoming profit-hungry entities that cared little for the peoples they were supposed to be helping. It was even said that many of these corporations were secretly paying off certain Senators for the rights to new systems. The simple fact that the Reconstruction Authority was giving preference to larger corporations with more resources when it came to administering claim rights was proof enough to many independent explorers, including Han Solo and his wife, Leia Organa Solo.