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officially known as the Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport, the UT-AT was a 23.8-meter-long walker that was developed for the Grand Army of the Republic by Kuat Drive Yards and Mekuun, during the height of the Clone Wars. Its design was inspired after larger AT-TE and SPHA-T walkers caused massive landslides on Agamar with their constant, pounding steps. The UT-AT was developed from the original walker plans of KDY, which were augmented by repulsorlift technology from Mekuun, to create a vehicle that was more of a tank than a walker. In place of legs, the UT-AT moved about on eight pairs of repulsorlift "skis", each with an independent suspension mechanism that allowed the skis to constantly adjust to changing terrain. The skis kept the UT-AT stable while four massive repulsorlift engines in the forward section provided propulsion. The UT-AT required a pilot and five gunners to operate, and could accommodate up to twenty clone troopers. However, much of its interior space was dedicated to the onboard weapons systems, which included side- and top-mounted heavy turbolasers and four turret-mounted laser cannons. The forward three weapons earned the UT-AT its nickname of "Trident." Because of its ability to negotiate rough or unstable terrain, the UT-AT was often deployed on the front lines of a Republic army, clearing a path for other vehicles to follow. However, these vehicles were considerably slower than their larger cousins, and were subject to huge amounts of enemy fire.
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