Reconstruction Authority
this branch of the Galactic Alliance was formed in the wake of the Galactic Alliance's defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, to monitor and drive the rebuilding of the galaxy. The Reconstruction Authority dealt with many of the interstellar aspects of the rebuilding, including the restoration of habitable planets and the relocation of dishomed refugees and races. This put the Authority in the position of monitoring the claims of a new breed of planet hunters: corporate entities that spent more time jumping the claims of independent explorers than they did actually exploring. Many of these independent explorers were dismayed when the Reconstruction Authority mandated that, whenever two parties made claims to the same world, the party with more resources was given preference. Thus, operations like RePlanetHab only had to submit a claim to a planet at the same time as an independent operation, in order to acquire the rights to the planet. Laws and regulations such as this made many believe that the Reconstruction Authority was being bribed by the exploration corporations. The Reconstruction Authority also was placed in charge of prosecuting pirates and criminals who attempted to turn a profit from any activities that caused problems or delays in the rebuilding effort, which often put them at odds with Luke Skywalker's new Jedi order. The Jedi felt that they were being used as a police force by the Reconstruction Authority, since they were often called upon to bring in a noted pirate or crimelord. As the rebuilding effort continued, the Reconstruction Authority sought to return the seat of the galaxy's government to Coruscant, despite the damage and ecological transformation it had experienced during the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. To help speed up the process, the Authority presented Skywalker with a new Jedi Temple, hoping that he would move the new Jedi order's base of operations from Ossus to Coruscant.