this man served as an Admiral in the Imperial Navy, and was in command of the Star Destroyer Liquidator during the height of the New Order. Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, Admiral Termo was given a set of three holocassettes by Grand Moff Tarkin, with the order to view the first tape if the first Death Star didn't meet them at Delrakkin within a certain amount of time. Termo was initially unaware of the Alliance's victory at Yavin, but opened the first tape when the deadline passed. Although he followed the directions given to him by Tarkin in the first and second tapes, both tapes were stolen by an Alliance agent who managed to infiltrate the Liquidator. The tapes revealed to the Alliance's leadership that Delrakkin was the test site of a device which would prevent starships from entering hyperspace. Upon completing the attack on Delrakkin, Termo was ordered to jump back to the Yavin System, to locate the first Death Star and find out what happened to it. Once in the system, Termo found himself once again facing the Alliance agent who stole his tapes, only this time the agent had managed to place a thermal detonator in the Liquidator's solar ionization chamber. The rebel managed to escape just before the detonator exploded, destroying the ship and killing all aboard. Termo however, managed to reach an escape pod with Communications Officer Tix, and they was able to blast off just seconds before the explosion.