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Godalhi, Janu

this man served as a police constable on his homeworld of Teth, during the final decades of the Old Republic. Just prior to the onset of the Clone Wars, he earned the respect of Jedi Master Plo Koon during a mission to smash a pirate fleet that was causing trouble in the system. Despite these adventures, Godalhi considered himself more of an inventor than an officer of the law, preferring to use his knowledge of history to help him solve crimes and thwart criminals. During the height of the Clone Wars, he traveled to Coruscant to attend a conference on law enforcement, and was saddened by what he saw. His primary worry was that the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic were openly subverting the authority of the local police force, and he believed these actions allowed Separatist forces to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine. Upon returning to Teth and learning of the so-called Jedi Rebellion, Godalhi became convinced that the Chancellor himself was the root of the problems he had seen. He secretly began plotting a Tethan resistance to the Imperial control of his planet. His son, Palob, served under him as a lieutenant, and later became a member of the Alliance. After the Battle of Endor, Janu officially retired, and wrote several texts on the history of the galaxy and the Galactic Civil War.
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