this small, five-armed "creature" was native to the seas of the planet Calamari. Mon Calamari historians knew of a story in which a huge, spherical ship dropped from the skies and plunged into the oceans of Calamari, then later returned to space. Shortly afterward, fisherbeings began finding nano-stars in their nets. Resembling small, pentagonal droids, nano-stars were soon found to be automatons and not living creatures. Five tiny, metallic tentacles sprouted from each of the five points on its body, and these tentacles were used to zap a predator with electricity in order to give the nano-star time to escape. Investigators discovered that the nabo-stars did not eat, and reproduced by building new nano-stars. Many believed that these small droids were similar in many respects to the Class 2 multiphasic droid, Vuffi Raa.