Canyon of Despair
this ravine runs through the Endless Wastes of the planet Kintan, and was carved by the Fire River. The exact path followed by the Fire River changed every local month or so, as the flowing lava was affected by the natural tidal pull of Kintan's moons. The volcanoes of the Burning Moon Range line the canyon, so that the lava they belch forth flows into the canyon to form the Fire River. The Fire River then flows for some forty kilometers before emptying into the Basin of Torturous Flame. As the lava river flows through the canyon, some of the lava "evaporates," forming crystals of hyper-ferrofeldspar that are continually ground up during seismic activity. These ground crystals then form a kind of sand that lines the Canyon of Despair with what is basically crushed transparisteel. This sand is then picked up in Kintan's vicious storms, creating sandstorms that scoured flesh from bone with transparisteel shards.