this was considered to be the primary city on the planet Desevro. Bleys Harand once described Maslovar as "not so much a city as it is the carcass of every city at once." It was nearly as old as civilization on Desevro itself, and was established on the coastline of the Gorovod continent. Because of its age, Maslovar seemed to be in a continual state of repair, as ancient buildings and roadways needed constant upgrading to keep them usable. Thus, many travels preferred to move from location to location via speeders and flitters, thereby avoiding the near-constant roadwork. Thirty-seven families made up the majority of the population of Maslovar, with many tracing their roots back to the earliest settlements on Desevro. Many of these families maintained estates on the islands of the Swamplands, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.