Southern Bandomeer Consolidated
this collection of ice-mining operations owned and operated the Sub-70 Ice Mines on the planet Bandomeer. Southern Bandomeer Consolidated worked hard to maintain the belief that working in the ice mines was much more dangerous than working in the ionite and azurite mines of the land-based mining operations, such as the Offworld Mining Company. The reason behind this ruse was a well-kept secret: Southern Bandomeer Consolidated needed strong, experienced miners to handle the extraction of metals and minerals from the ice, but couldn't spare the personnel to actually train them. Thus, by cultivating the belief that the ice mines were a virtual death sentence, they could literally "buy" miners from Offworld and other corporations. Because the work in the ice mines was "exceptionally difficult", Southern Bandomeer Consolidated only bought Wookiees, Whiphids, and other strong-bodied races. Once a miner was purchased and brought to corporate headquarters, they were given a choice: continue working for Southern Bandomeer Consolidated as an employee, or find work offplanet. In this way, Southern Bandomeer Consolidated obtained a wealth of eager miners, and helped free many other beings from the virtual enslavement they were enduring with other mining operations.