Arden-Govia, Bix
this man was the son of parents from two of Bakura's most prominent families, but he hated the pampered life of his extended family. Bored and restless, he fled Bakura aboard a freighter bound for Gymelo during the early years of the New Order and made a name for himself as a scout and explorer of the Shiritoku Spur. He soon earned enough credits to purchase his own ship, the modified YT-2400 freighter known as the Silver Cratsch He eventually returned to Bakura, and returned to the life of luxury he was born into. However, despite becoming the owner of a successful namana plantation, he continued to investigate the planets along the Spur, and regularly told his friends and acquaintences about the strange, bulbous ships that lurked along the hyperspace route. Although many simply nodded and accepted the stories as fabrications, Arden-Govia was somewhat villified when the Ssi-ruuk began their invasion of Bakura. He set out to work behind the scenes, disrupting the operations of the Ssi-ruuvi whenever possible.