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Comark, Amber

the daughter of Moff Jesco Comark, Amber was friends with a librarian in the Imperial archives during her early years. When the librarian was exposed as an Alliance agent, Amber could only watch as the librarian was arrested and interrogated. The death of the librarian was reported to Amber by her father, and only served to highlight the atrocities the Empire considered normal behavior. Amber decided to assume the role played by the librarian - as the special agent known as Tigress - but she had neither the training nor the contacts of the librarian. Her information was much less reliable, and Alliance Special Operations began to doubt Tigress' loyalties. When Amber discovered that her father was the mastermind behind the Death-Hunter project, she began filtering data about it to the Alliance. She provided information on the use of Plexus courier droids, as well as hints of strange kidnappings, through her astromech droid, R2-B4. She remained near the project, and was able to assist a group of Alliance agents in exposing it. She met them on Bescane, after the loss of Cooper Dray, and they were led on a chase which ended on Zeta Zero Nine. It was there that the Alliance agents, along with Lady Amber, defeated her father and eliminated the primary Death-Hunter development files.
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