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this city was the capital of the planet Bellassa. It was arranged in concentric circles that surrounded seven beautiful lakes, with wide thoroughfares connecting each circle. Houses and buildings were kept as low as possible, so as to preserve the natural beauty of the surrounding environment. During the year following the end of the Clone Wars, more than half the population of Ussa was arrested on various charges, after the Empire removed the elected government and installed their own governors. Various demonstrations led to many of the arrests, which were staged near the planet's primary spaceport. About a year after the Clone Wars, the Imperial forces on Bellassa realized that many of the demonstrations were spurred on by the words of Ferus Olin, and they set out to put a stop to it. With the so-called Order 37, hundreds of citizens were arrested and threatened with execution if Ferus didn't turn himself in. Ferus, aided by Obi-Wan Kenobi, was able to free the prisoners and escape Bellassa before any harm could come to them.
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