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these aliens, native to the planet Columus, are a peaceful, non-agressive race with a vast intellect stored in their huge heads. One third of their height, and most of their weight, is found in their heads, which are wreathed with throbbing blood vessels. The brain of the Columi is divided into over 100 lobes, each dedicated to an independent function. The collection of intelligence has long-since rendered their limbs useless, and they have to be transported in antigrav harnesses. The eyes of the Columi are capable of seeing in the entire electromagnetic spectrum, and can "hear" by analyzing the frequency of sound and radio waves. Their technology centers on the use of radio waves, generated by their immense brains. All Columi hardware is created to be activated and manipulated with radio waves. They use droids and other machinery to perform their physical work. Being one of the first species to develop an advanced society and technology, they were greatly dismayed to find the rest of the galaxy inhabitted by "barbarians." Also, the heaviness of standard gravity was hard for the Columi to overcome, so off-world travel is kept to a minimum. Those Columi found off Columus are either scholars, business leaders, or gamblers, and can be almost impossible to beat. They apparently freely joined the Empire, although mainly in order to retain their isolation.
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