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Colossus Wasp of Ithull

a huge insectoid alien, about the size of a large transport ship. The insects are so huge that the dead are scavenged by the various transport guilds in the Stenness system, and their exoskeletons are scrapped out. These hollow shells are then fitted with interior holds, navigation systems, hydraulics, and crew quarters. The exterior is then plated, and sublight and hyperspace drives are attached so that the entire carapace can be used as a fast cargo ship. They were virtually indestructible, since the round shape tended to deflect laser blasts. The pirates of the Stenness System later developed small ships which could latch onto and pierce the outer hull so that they could enter the cargo holds and steal the cargo. When alive, the wasps fed on stellar radiation, raw proto-materials, and the multitude of silicon-based lifeforms which lived in the vacuum of space.
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