Colony One
this was the primary spice-processing center on the planet Ylesia. The center was ostensibly the site of the religious order founded by Teroenza, although the devoted followers were used as slave labor. The t'landa Til kept the slaves blissfully unaware of their slavery by making them attend daily devotions at the Altar of Promises, where the creatures use their neck pouches to emit sonic vibrations that affect the sensory areas of the slaves' brains. The colony is located between the Mountains of the Exalted and Zoma Gawanga, and was 147 kilometers away from Colony Two. It was here that the Alliance struck the first blows of the Battle of Ylesia, engaging Nova Force in a brief firefight that left much of the mercenary group dead. Decades later, after the Yuuzhan Vong took control of the planet and turned it over to the Peace Brigade, the colony was renamed Peace City. The Yuuzhan Vong executed the Hutts who had been running the glitterstim production on the planet, turning the operation over to the Peace Brigade to fund their efforts. The t'landa Til were spared, but only to continue their "daily devotions" and help keep the slaves working.