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Oevvaor Jet Catamaran

named for a marine reptile, this twin-hulled vessel was built by the Appazanna Engineering Works of the planet Kashyyyk, for moving across open water at high speeds. A pair of jet engines provided propulsion, and each of the tandem hulls had seating for two Wookiees. Like other technology produced by the Wookiees, each Oevvaor catamaran was unique, and many specimens were known to have lasted over a thousand years. Measuring about fifteen meters in length and spanning about ten meters from hull to hull, the Oevvaor catamaran was primarily used in those Wookiee cities such as Kachirho, where moving across the water was a necessary means of conveyance. Many offworlders compared these catamarans to the podracers of the years leading up to the Clone Wars, since the engines of the catamaran were similar in appearance to those of a podracer, and propelled the catamaran at speeds approaching 370 kilometers per hour.
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