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Colo Claw Fish

this huge, flat, elongated fish was found in the depths of Naboo's seas. It had two rows of phosphorescent nodules which travel along either side of its 40-meter-long body, which it used to attract its prey. The front end of the fish was dominated by a long, tooth-filled snout studded with large eyes that can see into the murky depths. Large, claw-like appendages sprout from either side of its mouth, which the colo used to capture and hold its prey while it took huge bites. The jaws of the colo claw fish can be unhinged, allowing it to swallow prey many times larger than its own head. The average colo claw fish was an indiscriminate feeder, and sometimes swallowed its prey alive. The prey included young opee sea killers, and colo specimens have been recovered that were killed when the opees chewed their way out of the colo's stomach. The colo claw fish also has the ability to emit an intense, hydrosonic shriek that can stun nearby fish, allowing the colo to feed at will.
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