this woman and her brother, Ament, encountered Darca Nyl on their homeworld, while the Jedi was on his way to Molavar track down the Dark Jedi Lycan, during the months following the Battle of Naboo. When Darca found them, they were being pursued by a group of speederbike riders intent on killing them. When Darca destroyed their pursuers, Jaren explained that she had been an ambassador among her own people, sent to the bikers to negotiate a truce. Ament had been her protection, but both were threatened with death and chased away just before they met up with Darca. However, after Jaren showed Darca how to call forth images from their campfire, Darca used the same skill to call forth images about Ament. It was then that Darca discovered the truth: Jaren had traveled to the bikers' settlement to help Ament escape from prison. Darca was forced to turn them both over to the bikers before traveling on to Molavar.