this was a species of chitinous, insect-like creatures which were native to the planet Colla IV. They had a highly-developed level of technology. However, they were also incredibly brutal as a species, and were known to barbarically stop any travellers through their system and eat them. They were extremely skilled in the creation of autmatons, and were the primary developers of the destroyer droids used by the Trade Federation. These droids, known as droidekas, resemble the Colicoid physiology, even mimicking the Colicoid ability to roll up into a ball and surprise their prey. The Colicoid species had a strong distrust of the Jedi Knights, a feeling which was intensified in the wake of the Battle of Naboo. It was during this time that the Colicoids took control of the spice mining operations on Kessel, hoping to establish a strong inflow of credits to their coffers. They tried to acquire the rights to a spice processing plant on Nar Shaddaa, but had to negotiate with the slaver Krayn to obtain them.