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this Korunnai native of Haruun Kal led a daring mission to Coruscant during the height of the Clone Wars, capturing Senator Meena Tills and several other beings. They were held hostage in exchange for the complete removal of the Old Republic's forces on Haruun Kal. According to Nuriin-Ar's first message, the Republic was to fear his group, since they were able to operate in the very heart of the Republic without being captured. The government of Haruun Kal refused to admit any knowledge of Nuriin-Ar's actions, but acknowledged that it "fully understood" the gang's actions. In order to make a show of good faith, Nuriin-Ar agreed to meet with Jedi Master Kaim, but became incensed when he discovered a strip-cam hidden in Kaim's robes. To make sure the Republic understood his conviction, Nuriin-Ar knocked Master Kaim unconscious and hid an explosive on his body, then pushed the Twi'lek's body back out into the anetchamber. The explosives detonated, destroying Kaim's body and nearly killing the clone commandos who were waiting outside. The terrorist action only hardened the resolve of the clone commanos of Omega Squad, who were able to sweep in an eliminate all of the terrorists, including Nuriin-Ar, before any more hostages could be killed. It was later learned that Senator Tills wasn't the primary target, just a convenient diversion for the possible killing of N'zaet Nir.
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