this Gran owned and operated the Paddocks, located within the city of Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine, during the height of the New Order. He left his homeworld of Kinyen years before, and spent several years working for the previous owner of the Paddocks before they disppeared. Cruegar then assumed the responsibilities of running the business, and eventually took ownership. Cruegar was an opportunistic salesbeing who made sure that his prices were set to appeal to those moisture farmers and other settlers who couldn't afford a landspeeder or skyhopper, but needed reliable transport. He also bought and sold livestock for use by restaurants, although this aspect of his business was kept secret by both Cruegar and his customers. Cruegar had no qualms about taking in beasts that wander into the area, but he generally returned them to their rightful owners after short negotiations. Any beings who crossed him or otherwise antagonized Cruegar often found their homes or businesses beset by swarms of scurriers, which Cruegar kept in the Paddocks for just such occasions.