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Landing Shootout

this annual sharpshooting competition was founded by the leaders of Bartyn's Landing on Lamaredd, during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo. The competition was won ten years in a row by Mix Liddell, until he graciously retired from competition. The first-place winner received a hand-made slugthrower pistol crafted by Liddell himself, while the first and second runners-up received cash awards from the Bartyn family. The event eventually became one of the few holidays celebrated on Lamaredd, although it was carefully monitored by the Outer Rim Oreworks security force to ensure no revelers got out of hand. The competition itself was open to any being who wished to participate, but few shooters made it past the third round. After each round, targets were moved farther away from the shooter, and competitors were forced to hit targets with greater accuracy, until a single shooter bests all remaining participants.
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