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this jellyfish-like creature was unique in the galaxy, existing only in the energy-wracked atmosphere of the planet Genarius. Although these creatures were hardy enough to survive in the planet's atmosphere, cochlera taken from Genarius rarely survived more than a day in the atmospheres of other gas giants. Many xenobiologists theorized that the cochlera were evolved from species born of a strange mix of gases and nuclear power that only existed on Genarius. They lived in groups of thirty to fifty individuals, known as mulls, and created an unusual light storm as they moved through the atmosphere. The upper body of a cochlera was a transparent sac of roiling fluid and electrical discharges. Hanging from the underside of this sac were six appendages of varying length. These appendages could be used to defend a cochlera, and produced a discharge similar in effect to an ion blaster. To reproduce, cochlera simply perform a type of fission. However, this fission has a number of prerequisites. Among them, the cochlera must be in the presence of a large amount of beskium gas. Second, the cochlera must be part of a small mull. The presence of other members of the species seems to release unusual chemicals that make the fission possible. Beskium itself is not enough; solitary cochlera have been observed near large pockets of beskium, and simply absorbed the gas and burst, rather than divide. Other research has shown that cochlera reproduction occurs most often during periods of intense, lower-atmosphere storms. Shortly after the Battle of Naboo, it was discovered that the body fluids of a cochlera, when distilled into a pale ichor, provided an immunity to the Force. Illegal hunts, formed by criminal elements who kept the enterprise a secret by planting rumors about the "dangers" of the normally peaceful cochlera, captured live cochlera in order to obtain samples of their body fluids.
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