this man served under Captain Jace Dallin aboard the Mersel Kebir, protecting his homeworld of Rendili during the height of the Clone Wars. When Dallin considered turning the planet's fleet of Dreadnaughts over to the Old Republic, Lieutenant Gallan was among the many junior officers who allied themselves with Lieutenant Mellor Yago and his plans for munity. However, Gallan wanted to eliminate Dallin and Jedi Master Plo Koon on the spot, rather than hold them hostage. Yago kept them alive, hoping to force the Republic to withdraw from Rendili. When Yago planned to escape by linking the navigational computers of all the Rendili Dreadnaughts, it was Gallan who pointed out the problems that had been encountered during a similar jump by the Katana and her fleet. Yago refused to take his warning seriously, and prepared for the jump anyway.