Millavec, Dorin
this scheming Imperial officer served as the Deck Commander aboard the Star Destroyer Crucible during the height of the Galactic Civil War. He hoped to be promoted to the command deck, but when he learned that Nas Ghent had been picked by Darth Vader to train a group of starfighter pilots aboard his ship, Millavec was angry and jealous. He felt sure that he was being set up to fail, to prevent his promotion. So, in addition to going along Vader's orders, Millavec began to plot his own actions. After allowing Ghent to go on a mission with real pilots, Millavec ordered his pilots to execute Maneuver 717, hoping to eliminate Ghent without any incriminating evidence. Ghent managed to survive, and came for Millavec. Millavec then lied to Ghent, claiming that it was Vader himself who ordered the Manuever 717, as part of his assignment. Then, Millavec supplied Ghent with a group of cutthroat criminals to serve as his "trainees." He worked behind the scenes to try and keep Vader and Ghent apart, while plotting how best to make the most of his plans for promotion.